Yvonne Lang

Yvonne was a librarian for fifteen years and now works in children’s publishing. She has been an avid reader and creative writer her entire life. Her short stories and comedy articles have been featured in a range of publications, from Sugar Magazine to Your Cat Magazine, as well as local publications and ranking highly in competitions throughout the UK. Her latest horror stories have been published as part of the Short Sharp Shock Series by Demain Publishing and are available on Amazon. She resides in Yorkshire, England with her partner and cat. She is well practiced at writing, typing, editing and proof reading around the cat who will guaranteed be on the necessary pen/pad/keyboard/blocking her vision. It has improved her touch typing though.

Recent Publications

Yvonne is regularly published, read some of her work:

Madam President

Yvonne has a story included in the just released anthology, 'Madam President' Madame President is a satirical is a blend of Science Fiction, humor, current events, and politics.

The book explores the concept of women in charge and what it means to have a woman in charge. In War Zone, David Gerrold explores what a Madam President brings to the table that gives her an edge in an emerging terrorist attack. K. G. Anderson has a new and unexpected twist on how a woman takes her seat in the Oval Office.

As said in the press release: Not all of the stories take us into the White House. In Yvonne Lang’s hilarious piece, you discover that If your term as the President of the Homeowners association comes at the same time as an alien invasion, you have to cope, but you do not compromise on key policy elements that make your neighborhood’s decor unique.

Don't miss out, grab yourself a copy!

All Your Stories

One of Yvonne's stories 'Perfectly Poised' features in the April issue of All Your Stories Magazine.

You can grab a physical or electronic copy via Amazon.

Every Day Fiction

A piece of fiction Yvonne wrote has appeared on Every Day Fiction. Check out the 'Lure of the Fairground' here.

Particular Passages

A different genre to Yvonne's usual flavour - 'What are the chances' is a short story of Yvonne's featured in this uplifting Christmas themed anthology. Buy your copy of Particular Passages: Decked Halls here for some feel good festive reading

Ho Ho Ho

A collection of Christmas themed horror drabbles, featuring work by Yvonne. Great reads for a different type of Christmas reading.

Ho Ho Ho is published by Black Hare press. Blackharepress.com

Happy Hellidays

Yvonne's work is featured in a brand new anthology. With a brief of writing a horror story connection to a holiday this anthology is going to be a spooky hit for year round. Yvonne's story shows Easter Bunnies forming a union that ends up turning to violent methods to protest their rights.

Scary Story Winner

Yvonne was recently victorious in Semi Sages Halloween short story competition.

You can hear her story, 'The Haunted House Tour ' as well as the other winners and shortlisted stories read by the incredible judges over at Semi-Sages Youtube Page. Yvonne story features at 44 minutes 30. This can be viewed here:

After Midnight

One of Yvonne's short stories 'The Things You See On A Night Shift' has been selected for a themed anthology released over in Australia by publisher Thuggish Itch.

Check out the book 'After Midnight' for a collection of scary stories that all take place between 11pm and 1am.

Witch, Wizard, Warlock

Yvonne is delighted that one of her stories, 'Trick or Treat' features in Three Cousins latest release.

'Witch, Wizard, Warlock' contains 34 stories from authors from 7 different countries.

Check it out and please support the writers by purchasing - and even better, reviewing - a copy.

Six Word Memoirs

Yvonne recently participated in the extreme micro fiction challenge six word wonder where authors from around the world compete to tell a captivating tale in exactly six words.
There were over 20,000 entries and Yvonne placed in the top 1%, so her piece has been featured in the latest Six Word Wonder Book, along with the other shortlisted entrants and the very worthy winner.
You can buy the book and be impressed by what a big impression so few words can make here:

Farfield Scribes Micro Fiction

Delighted to announce that Yvonne has had another piece of her micro fiction published by Farfield Scribes, you can read Feeding The Garden Birds here

Trembling with Fear

Yvonne started 2023 with a spooky drabble being published at Trembling With Fear.

101 Words

A new piece of Yvonne's flash fiction 'Survival Plan' has been published by 101 Words. Make sure you leave a comment after reading!

Northern Life

A short story of Yvonne's has been featured in Northern Life Magazine and can be read online at: Northern Life Magazine

Fairfield Scribes

A drabble of Yvonne's has featured in the latest release of Fairfield Scribes and can be viewed here

Cafe Lit Interview

Yvonne was recently interviewed by the editor of Cafe Lit about her piece in their latest anthology. You can read the quick chat here

Dolls House

Just received the sales figures for Dolls House/Prison Break. A huge thank you to everyone who has supported Yvonne's publishing journey. If you have not yet had chance to read this instalment in the Short Sharp Shock Series, you can get hold of a copy in either paperback or eBook via this link If you live in the Bradford district, it is also available to borrow from Bradford Libraries!


Yvonne is delighted that one of her short stories has been chosen to feature in Cafelit's best of anthology. You can read her story 'All Seeing Izabella' features as one of the top stories for July. You can purchase the book in either paperback or kindle format here:

Night Terror Novels

A short story of Yvonne's has been selected by night terror novels for their upcoming anthology. The book will be released at the end of 2022 but Yvonne's story 'Breaking Bad Habits' can be read on their website here.

50 Words

A piece of micro fiction by Yvonne featured on the 50 Word Story website on 11 January 2022.

The Drabble

A new story of Yvonne's, 'Repercussions of Random Acts of Kindness', has appeared on The Drabble as January 8th's daily drabble.

Sequoia Speaks

Yvonne has a short story, 'Silent Companions' telling the tale of a young lad using bird watching as a way to rebuild his confidence after finding himself in foster care in the latest issue of Sequoia Speaks.

Her work features alongside a whole host of other brilliant authors and poets pieces.

Commuter Lit

All Seeing Izabella featured on Commuter Lit. You can read the story here.


Yvonne's short story 'Serving of Revenge' has been chosen as Simily's Story of the Week. You can read it via the link below for free, make sure to register if you want to check out other stories on the site.

Halloween Drabble

A halloween themed drabble appeared in Trembling With Fear's halloween special.

Dolls House & Prison Break

Yvonne's debut book has now been released as a paperback available from Amazon.

Clown Camp features in the anthology

One of Yvonne's stories 'Clown Camp' features in Schlock's Funny as a Heart Attack anthology - a collection of clown themed horror stories.

Frost Zone Zine

One of Yvonne's short stories, "Decisions at Christmas", is published in Issue 5 of Frost Zone Zine.

World of Myth

A humorous science fiction story of Yvonne's has been included in the 100th release of the fantastic World of Myth Magazine.

101 Words

A piece of Yvonne's flash fiction, An Eye for Art, appeared as 101's daily story on September 11.


One of Yvonne's horror stories is featured in the August 2021 issue of Schlock Webzine which is available to buy from Amazon.

Horror Tree

A triple drabble of Yvonne's featured as Trembling with Fear's unholy trinity.

Cafe Lit Magazine

Yvonne's short story "All Seeing Izabella" was featured as CafeLit's feature piece for Tuesday 27th July 2021.

Paragraph Planet

Paragraph planet has featured another story of Yvonne's. Ignored Love was published on 24th July 2021.

The Drabble

Yvonne has had a drabble featured on 'The Drabble'.

The Secret Attic

One of Yvonne's stories was shortlisted for the The Secret Attic monthly short story competition. It features amongst other winners in booklet 15.

Raven Cage

A science fiction story of Yvonne's, Human Touch, features in issue 57 of Raven Cage e-zine.

Paragraph Planet

A piece of flash fiction by Yvonne was featured as the paragraph on 28 May 2021.

Northern Life Magazine

Yvonne's story is in the Easter 2021 issue of Northern Life Magazine.

Sirens Call Magazine

Three of Yvonne's horror stories feature in the Spring 2021 issue of Sirens Call magazine. The entire magazine can be downloaded for free.

Your Cat Magazine

Yvonne (and Roxy) feature in the April 2021 issue of Your Cat magazine.

The Drabble

A drabble of Yvonne's featured on The Drabbe website, titled Seven Second Solution

Cafe Lit Magazine

One of Yvonne's stories featured in CafeLit magazine

365 Tomorrows

Yvonne's science fiction story 'The importance of self sacrifice' is now published by 365 Tomorrows and was their feature home page story on 21st February 2021.

The Dolls House & Prison Break

Two exciting new stories now available in both paperback and e-book.

Dolls House

When her daughter Lily is bullied to the point of being suicidal, her mother is willing to try anything to get her back on the right track. She is skeptical when a toy shop owner recommends renovating an old dolls house as a bonding exercise, but she is running out of options so agrees to the purchase. Soon the dolls start to bear a striking resemblance to those who were bullying her daughter, and then the bullies start to become victims of tragic events – that the dolls house seems to know about before they happen. Is the house predicting the future, or causing the accidents?

Prison Break

When Lee is stuck in a holding cell accused of domestic violence on New Year’s Eve despite being the victim and not the perpetrator, he is terrified. He is also locked in there with two other men accused of violence. He thinks things can’t get worse, until one of the other men starts acting strangely and things that cannot be explained begin to happen. Whilst he and his cell mates are all locked up they begin wondering if it is their eyes deceiving them, if they are losing their grip on reality, or if something not of this world is lurking in there with them.

Funny as a Heart Attack

One of Yvonne's stories 'Clown Camp' features in Schlock's Funny as a Heart Attack anthology - a collection of clown themed horror stories.

Clowns are funny--right? Hysterical. You might die laughing at their crazy antics. But there's something creepy about those greasepaint faces, those false smiles, those sinister, staring eyes... Who knows what they're thinking? Who knows what they do, when the laughter stops, when the lights go down, when the clowns quit the Big Top and go--where? Back to the trailer? Out on the streets? Or down to the hell they came from?

6 Word Memoirs

Yvonne recently participated in the extreme micro fiction challenge six word wonder where authors from around the world compete to tell a captivating tale in exactly six words.
There were over 20,000 entries and Yvonne placed in the top 1%, so her piece has been featured in the latest Six Word Wonder Book, along with the other shortlisted entrants and the very worthy winner.
You can buy the book and be impressed by what a big impression so few words can make.

Cafe Lit 11

Yvonne is delighted that one of her short stories has been chosen to feature in Cafelit's best of anthology. You can read her story 'All Seeing Izabella' features as one of the top stories for July. You can purchase the book in either paperback or kindle format.

Witch, Wizard, Warlock

Get lost in a collection of over 30 magical stories and enjoy some spookiness in the anthology Witch, Wizard, Warlock. Available as an e-book, paperback and hardback.

Interview with Kendall Reviews

Yvonne was interviewed by Kendall Reviews in November 2020. You can find the interview here: Kendall Reviews

Get in touch

Contact Yvonne by email: